Music is Healing –


Music has long been used as a healing remedy – there are accounts of the healing powers of music in the Bible. The Ancient Greek also believed in music as a healer – Apollo was the god of music and healing. Instances are recorded of the beneficial effects of certain types of music on anxiety and depression. It is often used with forms of therapy to induce a sensation of calm.

There is no doubting the powerfully emotive effect of music, which can marshal men to battle, soften rage into affection and romance, calm torment and, conversely, cause intense emotional suffering by means of its exquisite beauty. It has been used since time immemorial to induce all these states of mind; and also to heal disorders of the body, mind and spirit.

Music has long been used as a healing remedy – there are accounts of the healing powers of music in the Bible. The Ancient Greek also believed in music as a healer – Apollo was the god of music and healing. ( DON’T GO CRAZY – I am still a JESUS Follower – just sharing some ancient history! )

Instances are recorded of the beneficial effects of certain types of music on anxiety and depression. It is often used with forms of therapy to induce a sensation of calm: for example, on relaxation tapes; and may be played in meditation. It plays an important part in dance therapy, where the combine effects of music and movement release inner turmoil and conflicts.

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