honesty = genuine relationships

As we grapple though our short comings in life… sometimes we are MOST likely to avoid honest communication with others about our problems. However, it is important that we return to the one consistent relationship that will help us in facing the truth about ourselves…. >>>  which is GOD.

However,  in the BibleApostle Paul talked about the true value of honesty…… Stating that we should put away all falsehood and tell your neighbor the truth……  Accountability and honesty in ANY relationship is essential to successful living so to speak! When we make ourselves ACCOUNTABLE “to others”, the caring influence of Godly friends can help keep us on the right track.. LITERALLY.

They also can provide us with and objective perspective and help us to admit the truth “about ourselves”…. The enemy pushes the Saint to sometimes isolate themselves due to their shame / embarrassment of whatever the individual may be going through at the time. That is why the importance of genuine and constant fellowship is so imperative in our daily lives…

Yes, we all need our space and need some alone time but you should desire to be around others like yourself as well as other individuals who will steer you into the right path.

It does not always have to be a preacher in your corner saying ” GO – FIGHT – WIN”… BUT there should be someone or a few people that are supportin /cheering for you.

How I look at the matter is that to some degree we are ALL held accountable to “some degree”  for one another.. regardless if it is:

being kind

saying a prayer

lending a helping hand

displaying affection

donating your time

feeding your neighbor

The gospel singer Hez Walker made the MOST AMAZING song called ” I Need You To Survive “…. I still seem to get all warm and fuzzy inside when I hear it because it is sooooooooooooo the truth… You pray for me.. I pray for you… I wont harm you with the words from my mouth…I love you.. I need you to survive… is basically the MAIN focal points of the song. Words like that are indeed worth repeating verbally and in action!

Let God pick your friends and then you can pick where you and your friends go to dinner! LOL