Faith and assurance must be in our living God by way of His working in us and this gives us the character we can hold on too!

· God gives us His character if we are willing to receive it!
  • Character comes from our response to faith is by godly living, and exercising out our faith with trust and obedience, whatever we face! It is not looking at our situation; rather, it is looking to God. God desires and deserves our whole-hearted loyalty, allegiance, trust, obedience, and devotion; so, what is stopping you?

· From birth on, our Lord was a man on the path of distress, who experienced the greatest suffering on our behalf. He was, and is, the ultimate model for character!

· Great character is developed in the Crucible (Rom 5:1f). In God’s plan, He has a reason for our “dry lands”–the times of our waiting and confusion, and for our loss and pain in life for the Crucible (what Christ did on the cross on our behalf). We gain persistence and proven character from this!

· We need to see hardships as a challenge to overcome and prove character!

· Solitude is important as with stillness and quiet, which is so often neglected today, especially in our youth.

· Solitude will not produce character because we need the demands of life. We learn by people pushing us, and learning how to respond through the Word. Yet, solitude will hone character by mediation, prayer, and reflection on how we could have done better.

· Character is born though struggle that takes time, just as developing a musical instrument takes practice. Being alone will not produce it. However, it will refine it!

· Character is found in people, not in animals, things, or technology, but in those who possess the image of God. (Gen 1:26-27)

· Character will not stay with us. It is easier kept than recovered, yet, flees from so many who had it. Just look at the life of Saul.

· We do not wake up one day with it. When we do have it, others will see it, may even point to it, or be discipled from it.

· Even though financial disasters and false accusations wage against us, our character can grow stronger. On the other hand, it can produce despair, confusion, and loneliness. If all that we see is failure and self-pity, it will only produce cynicism rather than the person of character.